Saturday, December 12, 2009
Just call a thief a thief
give me my dollar back
Thursday, December 3, 2009
The Dance Party
Saturday, November 28, 2009
"The Kobe Special"
Friday, November 20, 2009
Public courtesy?
Monday, November 16, 2009
Afrocentric tooth fairy
Saturday, November 14, 2009
inappropriate language
Friday, November 13, 2009
Seeing the world anew
Monday, September 7, 2009
"What the f*** you pull ME over for?"
Saturday, July 11, 2009
The ghetto vegitarian
Yesterday, I was doing the pac man for my students. One boy stared at me for a minute then said “Mr. Payne, you’re a vegetarian, but you’re ghetto!” Like the two were mutually exclusive. I laughed out loud. That was the funniest thing anybody said to me in a long time. He was already grappling with the fact that as a black man, I didn’t eat chicken, but now this. He was genuinely puzzled by the whole thing.
My son Elijah is in this summer program called Oakland Freedom Schools (OFS). It’s a reading enrichment program for black kids, modeled after the Freedom Schools in Mississippi in the summer of 1964. OFS is very radical. I was a OFS teacher back in ‘95 and the director in ‘98. It is only natural that my children attend the program. After 1 day at the school, he is on our back porch chanting “Chant down Babylon, OFS is the bomb, we ready, we coming...” Another favorite that I am sure they will teach him is “We be an African people…” and “Revolution has come! Shine your light like the sun!” I asked him how was his day and he starts talking about “the girl who doesn’t listen”. He doesn’t even call her by her name. He starts off a sentence like “Dad, today the girl who doesn’t listen… fill in the blank.” Like that’s her Native American name or something. I ask him, “son, what’s her name?” He pauses and thinks for a minute, trying to access that information. A few seconds later he remembers. I say, “Son, from now on, call her by her name.”
Elijah is also quite the filmmaker. We have this flip camera and Elijah makes 15 minute movies of himself walking around the house, playing with his brother and engaging his parents. He surprised me today when he revealed that one of his movies has a title. We’re watching one of his “movies” and he says “is this ‘Walking on Water?” “Huh? Walking on water? Is that the title of your ‘movie’? When did you come up with that?” The boy is creative.
And lastly, reason #235 why I hate the media: Obama visits Ghana yesterday. This is his second visit to Africa (he was in Egypt a while back) but they repeatedly described it as the presidents first sub-Saharan African trip. Why? Did they every say, “his first trip to eastern Europe?” No they didn’t. I checked google. Then to top it off, they show the Ghanaians celebrating Obamas arrival and they show hundreds of folks literally dancing in the streets. With all of these people to choose from, they choose to interview a lady wearing 2009 shades. You know, a pair of glasses that are in the shape of the number 2009, with sparkles and glitter all over them. You know, the glasses you wear for new years eve. I don’t even remember what she said. All I could think was: Why? Why? Why?
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Just enjoy the ride
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
No more small talk
Monday, April 6, 2009
You want the what cake?
As I happily order the baseball cake I wonder: what is my fear with my son getting a princess cake? Am I training him to be sexist by limiting his options for expression? Answer to self: Oh well, at least he got to pick from the football or baseball cake. He'll get over it and I'm already over it.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
As the world changes, so does my approach
Friday, March 13, 2009
What happened to "Why is the sky blue?"
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
more questions
Monday, February 16, 2009
Deep Questions
Although I am a world class bullshitter, I am always humbled to struggle to give the most honest, thoughtful, informed answers to my sons deep questions. And afterwards, I think about the question long afterwards and he has moved on to playing with his legos.
Monday, February 2, 2009
Can't take the heat
For my 35th birthday, my wife got me my ancestors. She got me a DNA test that will determine with 99% accuracy, what village (and modern day country) my ancestors are from. The test will go back between 500 and 10,000 years. I am so juiced. I can't wait to find out which African language, history and culture belongs to MY ancestors. There is a catch: The test is a patrilineal test and there's a 30% chance my ancestry will show up European. This should need no explanation.
So last week we were driving out to Concord and it's 70 degrees outside. I am sweating. I ask my wife if she is hot. She flatly replies "no". I complain again about the heat and she says "You're not African!" and turns on the AC for me. I laughed, but if I get my results this week and they say my 17th generation grandfather is from Northern Ireland, I'ma be dissapointed.
Stay tuned for the results... unless of course they are European, then I just won't mention it ever again.
Monday, January 26, 2009
Legendary Encounter: True Story!
Sporting this grin, Paul Mooney walks right up to me to shake my hand. I greet him like I know him "Hey Paul, how you doing!" We share pleasantries and continue on our separate journeys, and I think to myself, 'no ones going to believe this!'
Monday, January 12, 2009
Fatherhood flashes
The other day I went to the market to get some stuff. I had my boys with me. I am leaving and see a brotha in the parking lot selling Obama t-shirts. I make a comment, he makes a pitch "got all sizes, just $10, etc." Then the shopping cart that I am pushing my sons in suddenly stops. Apparently they have an invisible boundary a few feet from the store and if you cross it the wheels lock and the cart stops right in it's tracks. I am scooping Cameron and the brotha doesn't miss a beat and grabs Elijah up out of the cart. I had several silent reactions in a split second.
1. I got this bruh, no need to invade my invisible family bubble. Personal space, personal space!
2. Thanks bro, it takes a village to raise a child, each one teach one, Umoja! Good looking out.
3. But dude, I DON"T KNOW YOU. Why are you so quick to grab my son, not cool.
4. He's setting him down gently, Elijahs not freaked out, that was helpful, okay, thanks man.
5. I hope he don't think I am going to buy his t-shirt.
Then finally I say out loud, "Thanks man, take it easy, aright"
Friday, January 9, 2009
Can we all get along? Hell naw!
Well, for the record, if I get shot in the back while unarmed, face down by a cop, I want lots of rioting. Property damage is unfortunate for those business owners and car owners who got caught in the riot but it doesn't compare to the loss of life and a statement has to be made.
I know this ain't the politically correct thing for an over 30 person who pays all his taxes to say but fuck that. People can't do the silent protest thing when the Mayor hadn't said nothing and the district attorney wasn't talking about an investigation or nothing. Now, after the riots, you have the Mayor talking all day and night about it, demanding an independent police investigation and the district attorney promising an investigation. I don't think speaker cards at the City council meeting would have gotten the same attention and traction a good old fashioned riot brings. So if I get done wrong, I'ma need ya'll to raise some hell!