Can you tell me where Bay City is? No you can't it doesn't exist. There is no such place. I've heard of San Francisco, Oakland, Berkeley, Hayward, Emeryville, San Leandro, etc. but haven't hear of Bay City. But why did the Chevy dealership in OAKLAND seems to think that by naming their dealership Bay City Chevrolet that they are somehow more "hip". Really? Why? Is this a marketing ploy for out of towners who are scared to go to Oakland to be fooled and come buy a car? Really??
Someone didn't think this one through: Did it occur to you that this potential customer will soon find out when they enter the address in their GPS that it will indicate they are headed to Oakland? What are you going to do blindfold them? Maybe I'm wrong, maybe someone else has the name "Oakland Chevrolet" and you had to come up with something else...(wait) just checked google, that's not it either.
So it appears to me that this is merely an indicator of a larger trend. (think Piedmont) I imagine that someone is crafting a proposal right now to the City Council to seceede some North Oakland neighborhood and rename it Hipsterville or Oaksterdam or Bay City.