Monday, September 8, 2008

The best jobs in the world

As the anticipation builds for the 2008 general election, my thoughts have taken a turn from the Obama/McCain incessant banter. I am thinking about all the other leaders of the world and who has the best job. I mean, president of the United States of America sounds real nice and important, especially with the commonly used title "leader of the free world". We all assume, what could possibly be a better job than that? Well I'll tell you. The job has a lot of drawbacks. I'm not just talking about the complete and total loss of privacy and constant threat of being assasinated. I am talking about some more practical drawbacks like having to answer to 300,000,000 people. That's a lot of critics. Too many people to please or piss off if you ask me. Too many people to be responsible for and too little resources to do it! The federal budget is chump change compared to the social and structural problems in America and what it would take to fix them all. Broken health care, soaring unemployment, worthless public education system, growing poverty, it's a sinking ship. Therefore I have been thinking about who has a better job and why and this is what I came up with:

3. The Amir of Qatar, Shaikh Hamad Bin Khalifa Al-Thani. He's not the leader of the free world, he's the leader of a country that is less than 12,000 square kilometers with a population of less that 1,000,000 and the countries natural resources (oil) produces a solid 800,000 barrels a DAY. You do the math. Those billions provide free health care, state of the art schools, the worlds most beautiful parks and museums and the richest middle class in the world. Drawbacks: Strict religious rule. Minor detail. So it's not the most democratic state in the world. Can't have it all.

2. President of Georgia, Mikheil Saakashvili. Again
, president of a very small country with relatively few people and yet buddy buddy with Washington elite and poised to get 1,000,000,000 (1 billion) in aid from the U.S. (tax free, interest free gift, no loan) AND they have a pipeline. However the best thing abou that job is the country apparently has a 100% literacy rate, the best in the world. Because you are reading this blog, I assume that it is obvious why this is a good thing. Drawback: Russia has 50 nuclear warheads pointed at his house from about 3 football fields away. Sounds a lot worse than it really is.

1. And lastly, the best job in the world is..... drum roll........ vice president of the united states! You still get a limo, a jet, and the best retirement ever. Sure you can try to actually be president and get in all kinds of trouble like Cheney but if you just kick back and enjoy all those state dinners and diplomatic trips, it's a wonderful ride! You get all the prestige and none of the real responsibility. There's no real job description. You are waiting for someone who has the best security in the world and the best health care plan in the world to die. In the meantime, you get to kick it just like the president of the U.S. but without the burden of making the decisions that will piss millions of people off... every day. Sweet deal! Seriously, you ever notice that Biden and Palin smile a lot more than Obama and McCain? They are smiling thinking; "I still don't really know what the hell a VP does but I love this job already!"