Why does it only take seconds to sign up for something but 20 minutes (on hold for 15 of them) to cancel?
We got the NY Times but quickly got fed up with their racist slant. Their obit on Bernie Mack was offensive as well as numerous articles with a not so subtle conservative tint. One other observation: Why do all the pictures of Afganistan, Iraq, and Palestinian victims of violence have the caption "Afgan woman or Palestinian boy"? Meanwhile, every single picture of an Israeli victim will have their first and last name and usually show a picture of a grieving family member too.
Anyway, I call the "help desk" (a misnomer by all accounts) and cancel my monday - friday subscription immediately.
The woman asks: "For what reason are you canceling your subscription?"
I reply: "Because the paper is racist. All the articles, racist in tone, slant and context. I don't want any part of it let alone PAY for it."
The woman then says: "Would you like to just get the Sunday edition?"
(Did she really just ask that?)
I reply: "I said the paper is racist. I don't want to read it on the weekend, during the week, on holidays, in a box with a fox, eating green eggs and ham."
The woman replys (after putting me on hold): "very well, your subscription will end September 11."
My reply (in my head because verbally I might use a curse word): "Today is September 9th. Since when does "immediately" take 48 hours? Whatever. RIP Bernie!"