Sunday, November 2, 2008

SWB: Shopping while black

A while back I was shopping at my favorite drug store. They have everything. I sometimes go there for the smallest thing because I just like going to this store. You could say it's therapeudic. So you can imagine how I feel when I am getting some halloween candy for my staff at work and the security guard starts following me. Comical in the first split second, then sudden irritation. I'm a grown ass man. I pay taxes, all my taxes. I pay for parking. I paid all my school loans. Me and my wife pay for every damn thing me and my family consumes, enjoys, wears, and drives. But the drug store security don't know that. They only know that black people steal and I am clearly black so why take it personally? Now if you ring up a whole box of odwalla bars for 49 cents because you are new and don't catch that it's a box of 24 bars and you gotta multiply, well I didn't steal nothing, that's the price you gave me.
Anyway, this guy is not slick at all. I know how women can psychically tell when a man is staring at her butt because I have that same ability with store security stalking me, trying hella hard to not look directly at me but conspiciously staying in clear sight of me. Another dead giveaway is when they are straightening merchandise that doesn't need to be straightened. So in my fit of irritation, I decide to give the guy a taste of his own medicine. I start following him. It was as if I short circuited his brain by walking directly toward him because he started walking away like he was a thief and I was security. He looked back at me and I strided closer to him. He turned down an aisle. I turned down the aisle. When he finally caught himself, realizing he was being chased by a damn customer, a suspect at that, he stopped and looked up at me. I smiled this smug grin and nodded what's up to him. He nodded back. I pretended to hover around him a little longer, still watching him to make sure he wasn't going to steal some socks or something. Then I chuckled triumphantly and walked to the checkout to buy my shit, leaving security on aisle 8, straightening the scarves.