Friday, August 15, 2008


I was reading in the latest Jet and it mentioned that Congress just passed an official apology for slavery. This is great news on 2 fronts. 1. Because slavery was bad, Reconstruction failed miserably, and Jim Crow took us backwards, taking a century to recover. 2. Because an official apology is a legal admission of "guilt", the first step in establishing a legal basis for suing the U.S. Government for reparations for Black people.

I am all for it. People nowadays say all kind of wishy washy stuff like, "reparations should take the form of education, health care, jobs, mental health, etc. etc. blah, blah, blah. I whole heartedly disagree. I want a check. You can call it a reparations stimulus check. Why not? Japanese people got a check. Native Americans got casinos TAX FREE!! Black people need a check. Sure, do all that other stuff too, but cut the check.

Some people say, "Oh, Black people don't need no check, they will just spend it on Newports and rims and gamble the rest away" as Dave Chappelle so vividly protrayed in one of his famous skits. But I have an answer to that too. Make the checks like WIC checks. You can't spend them on alcohol, rims, tobacco, real sugary cereal, etc. My message to those of you against the whole idea (most white people): Why fight it? This will eliminate Black peoples right to complain ever again. Think about it, your response to everything can be "But we apologized and gave you reparations, what more do you want?" Plus, I will let you in on a little secret: The government can afford it so you got nothing to lose. (except the value of the dollar tanking but let's not get all into those details) The mint prints the money. They did it for the Iraq and Afgan wars and they were NOT appreciated. If you do this for Blacks, you can legitimately be free of the guilt of slavery and still not lose one iota of white privilege. Think about it.