Although I am enthusiastically voting for Barack Obama this November and his candidacy is truly groundbreaking for this country, I have noticed that in almost every conversation I have with people, no matter where and no matter with whom, Barack Obama is mentioned. Don't get me wrong. I like the guy and half the time I am the one to interject him into the conversation, but I started to notice how he is mentioned even if the conversation has nothing to do with the presidential race, black people, or racism (the main 3 cross referenced topics according to relevance).
I could be at Trader Joes asking about juice and someone would say, "but ever since Obama is running for president, maybe you should get the tangerine juice." or I see someone I haven't seen in a year and they say, "How are you doing? How's your family? Oh you had another baby? That's great because the Obama rally is tomorrow. Peace out." What is this phenomena? Is it just me and the people I come in contact with or does this happen nationwide? Good or bad, people are talking constantly about the guy.
True story: I was looking at these baby t-shirts at the Alameda fair. White guy (collecting signatures for something) walks up and asks me if I am a registered voter in Alameda. I say "No". He looks at me and says, "Oh, you're looking at those Barack Obama t-shirts? cool huh?" With this grin on his face. I say "No, I am not. I am looking at the 'I'm 4 years old, what's your excuse' t-shirts because I have a 4 year old." He looks at me like not only am I lying but I must be a traitor to the Black people for not exaulting Obama at every possible opportunity.
Another thing I noticed: Obama t-shirts are fast replacing funeral t-shirts or Tupac t-shirts in popularity.
I have seen over 285 different Obama t-shirt designs with catchy slogans. You have seen them: "This momma loves Obama", or "Barack the Vote" or my favorite "Donate a dollar, and he'll make change, vote Obama" (Okay, I made that last one up and am trying to sell it to his campaign but they won't return my phone calls.) Seriously, I know a few folks selling the shirts.... exclusively, like that's their new job.
Today I saw an old black man holding a concealed tall can of something (It quite possibly could have been an Arizona Iced Tea beverage but I couldn't tell) and he was in front of the corner store sporting his Obama t-shirt. (Be there with me: This was a scene where the brotha would have normally been wearing a R-Kelly or Michael Jordan shirt with the diamonds on it) Folks who have never been politically active and still may not be politically active are wearing his t-shirt and talking him up every chance they can get. (or don't get)
Then I noticed that as a parent, all I do, especially when I am with my wife is talk about my sons. The Nations obsession with talking about Obama is very similar to how proud parents are obsessed with talking about their children. If you want to have a long conversation with me, ask me about Elijah and how we plan to homeschool him. You will get a 20 minute opening from me just for starters. And just like America is with Obama, the topic of conversation can be anything in the world and I will find a way to bring it back to my child.
So with that realization I have made peace that win or lose, Obama and his t-shirts are here to stay.