Tuesday, August 5, 2008

White Power!

The other day I saw an article where Bill Clinton proclaimed that he was not a racist. (reminicent of Nixon saying "I am not a crook" right before he resigned as President) I said to myself "Of course Bill Clinton is not racist, he's a white supremacist."

This prompted me to dialogue with my wife a bit about how obvious white supremacy is to most black people and how blind white folks are to it. I was remarking how some liberal, 'my best friend is black, I DATE black men/women, I love jazz AND smoke weed' white folks have what I coined as the 'white liberal blind spot'. This is where they have shifted their conscious lens to shun overtly racist notions about black folks to extremely subtle racist assumptions and notions that are so benign and politically correct that it cannot be called racist without having white people fall out and have a fit.

So I stay away from the term 'racist'. It's too loaded and emotionally charged for white people and black people. White supremacist is much more accurate and prescriptive. Take for example the brutal murder of Emmett Till. The white people in Mississippi where Emmett was killed, rejected the notion that the state was racist. They even criticized the murderers as white trash and ignorant crackers. BUT if you asked them did they think whites were superior to blacks they would have said "well, of course whites are better than nigrahs. It says it in the biba (bible)...." Even today, liberal presidential candidate Ralph Nader said that Obama was 'talking white'. Can you say 'white liberal blindspot'?.

So you see, racist is a term that just won't do. It's counterproductive and only invokes a fierce defensiveness on the part of white folks "Me a racist?! Just because I am white?! That's racist!!"(white liberal blind spot) and an apocalyptic frustration among blacks "Why do I even try, white folks are hopeless, that's why I hate white people, etc...". Plus it's too vague and gets thrown around too much. What exactly is racism and who can be racist, etc. etc. Then there's the institutional racism, individual racism, environmental racism, etc. It's just all too much. Everything is racist but nobody can be pinpointed as exhibiting racism. It's just not effective for black people to use the term anymore.

The term white supremacy is tangible and rooted in an exact definition with clear cut indicators. In fact, I have created a diagnostic questionnaire for white people to see if they are white supremacist or not. It goes like this:

You are a white supremacist if:

1. You have ever used the term 'pulling the race card'

2. You are always explaining things to black people... and they haven't asked you

3. Your response to anything a black person ever says is "yeah, yeah I know"

4. You feel that pro-black is automatically anti-white

5. You consider a suicide bombing terrorism but not slavery or the extermination of the Native Americans

6. You assume every black person you meet is voting for Barack Obama (we are, but that is still racist, I mean white supremacist)

7. You say that you are 'colorblind' or that you don't see color (except of course when you are choosing who to sit next to on the Train or Bus)

8. You think black people are overly sensitive about race

9. You think affirmative action is no longer needed

10. You think most drug dealers are black

11. You think black people need your help

12. You love Michael Jordan but hate Tiger Woods or the Williams sisters

13. You think Larry Bird was better than Magic Johnson

14. You still think Elvis invented Rock and Roll

15. You see a problem with black people voting for Obama because he is black but never questioned white people NOT voting for Obama because he is black (say it with me: 'white liberal blind spot')

16. You close your eyes and think of a scientist and a white person pops in your head

17. You hear about a robbery or shooting and assume it is a black person

18. You were voting for Hillary and now you are voting for McCain

19. If you have to say 'I am not a racist'

The main problem with white supremacy as a term is that it is too long. Racist is short and has a nice ring to it. So I am putting out a call for suggestions on how to shorten, abbreviate or substitute the term white supremacy if it's possible. Otherwise, I am afraid it will never catch on. In this age of abbreviations like WaMu, FedEx, WiFi, B of A, and Bradgelina, a full term just won't hold. So, I came up with some potential terms with a range of appeal:

1. WiSu (corporate appreviation)

2. WS (standard initial abbreviation)

3. Patriotism (metaphorical term)

4. W>B (mathematical term)

5. A White Supreme (Jazz term)

6. White Rules (reality TV term)

7. White Power! (parody term)

So think about it and get back to me with your suggestions. We will vote on it in November.