Thursday, December 18, 2008

Racial Debate?

There seems to be some debate about whether Barack Obama is black. Atrticles are being written and debates are happening around: How black is he? He's really mixed and what does that mean? He's not really African-American because his dad is African and his mom is white? and so on and so forth.

Funny how this was super clear to white people for over 400 years. Even if the white slave master fathered a child with a black woman, it was crystal clear: That child is a negro and a slave and is going to work without pay for the rest of their life. Period.

But we don't have to go that far back in history: It was clear that WEB Dubois was black. It was clear that Thurgood Marshall was black. It was clear that all those lightskinned, mixed Tuskeegee airmen were black when they were given syphlis. There was no debate that Colin Powell who is solidly Jamaican, is black. Even Tiger Woods explicit declaration that he does NOT identify himself as African-American or Black is ignored by whites and blacks alike and assigned to the black race. So why is it all of a sudden a debate about Barack being black when he has explicitly declared that he is African-American? Say it with me: White supremacy!

People are arguing that he is half white which is not particularly creative, but how many mixed black people enjoy their half of white privilege? Do they get half of the oppression for being only half black? It's redicilous when you think about it.

Racism ideology is fighting for it's life! Racism as an institution is alive and well and thriving, simply according to the present day disparities in living conditions and treatment in the current society. But this racism began with a thought, a notion, that whites were better than blacks or anybody not white and the idea of a black man as president of the united states, flys in the face of this original notion, and the white supremacist must find a way to resolve this profound cognitive dissonance. This debate has absolutely nothing to do with the complexities of race and everything to do with the fact that a black man has become the most powerful man on the planet.

So whenever you hear the debate taking place, or see an article about it, see it for what it is; someone only using half their brain. Not the white half or the black half but the racist half.